Spiritual Director
As a Spiritual Director, my role is to companion you in your discernment of where the “Third Hand” of God/Source/The Universe is working in your life. We explore the deeper Soul connections and meanings in our experiences, struggles, curiosities, and longings.
Why SPiritual Direction Matters to Me
Aspects of My Work
Spiritual Direction
Soul-level Conversations focusing on partnering with the “third hand” of God/Spirit/Source/The Universe.
Dream Walking and Companioning
Dream Group facilitation and individual Spiritual Direction sessions focusing on the woven meanings and questions of our Dreams.
Angel and Oracle Card Readings
Occasional events, sessions, and fun insights from reading the cards.
Intuitive Mentoring
A Listener and “Believing Mirror” for your Spiritual Longings and Gifts.
The SoulCial Revolution
Join Rita Roberts, my Spiritual Direction companion/supervisor since 2017 in a Spiritual Package for the Soul consisting of Meditations and Creation Prayers.